Mesec: avgust 2023


1.  Wecity is a Benefit Corporation that encourages active and sustainable mobility by stimulating the achievement of socio-environmental goals among citizens and employees through its mobile app used by Public Administrations and companies. The app is able to record the user’s displacements by recognizing the vehicle used thanks to an algorithm, also in intermodal situations, collecting…


Predmet javnega poziva je sofinanciranje standardnih projektov ukrepov (Standard Action Projects, SAP), ki bodo odobreni v okviru podprograma Narava in biotska raznovrstnost (LIFE-2023-SAP-NAT-NATURE — Nature and Biodiversity) na razpisu Evropske komisije za leto 2023. Upravičeni stroški so opredeljeni v razpisni dokumentaciji agencije CINEA. Pri identifikaciji in izračunu upravičenih stroškov projekta se upoštevajo navodila iz razpisa…