Preskoči na orodno vrstico
  • Slovensko
    • Angleško
    • Nemško
    • Italijansko
    • Hrvaško
    • Madžarsko

Osnovni podatki

Organizacija / Ime in priimek




Ključne besede ( v slovenskem jeziku)
  • climate change mitigation
  • education
  • energy efficiency
  • greenhouse gases
Vrsta sodelovanja


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Vas zanima mednarodno sodelovanje?


Ste že sodelovali v LIFE projektu?


Referenčne številke LIFE projektov

LIFE AGORA: “Towards a low carbon economy in the education sector". The Project will focus both on the reduction of the energy demand by the introduction of novel energy efficiency solutions and in the optimization of the energy consumption through management and introduction of behavioural changes. Already on board, we are 3 Spanish Partners, all of us located in the Castille and Leon Region: The Regional Ministry of Education, The Regional Energy Agency and CARTIF. LIFE AGORA will face the demonstration of new technologies to exploit renewable energy sources as well as monitoring tools to demonstrate more efficient use of energy in 2 different High Schools (new and to be renovated). Our Regional Ministry of Education has identified a High School which will be built in 2021. Here we will demonstrate several energy efficiency measures, e-mobility and actions to involve students and families, so the building will achieve the category of carbon neutral. We are looking for a similar scheme of partners in another European country which will be responsible for the demonstration in a renovated high school. We would be very happy to have a Slovenian partner on board, so consider this email as a formal invitation to join LIFE AGORA Project. In case you agree, we will need you contact with the (Regional-) Ministry of Education to define this 2nd demonstration building. Of course, renovation costs will be partly funded by the LIFE Programme. We will include replication actions to many other schools (in the entire Europe) but now, our priority is to define this 2nd building.


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