In the past week, the Ministry of the Environment and Spatial Planning carried out for the first time the LIFE writer’s workshop and the LIFE workshop for companies under the renewed programme. The first was attended by 50 participants, while 10 companies participated in the workshop for companies in Murska Sobota. Due to great interest, more places will be available at the following writer’s workshops. All workshop materials are available on the web page.

On Tuesday, March 7, 2017, the first LIFE writer’s workshop was held in Ljubljana. These workshops consist of three consecutive workshops, each one covering few steps of the process of developing a project idea and preparing a project application. At the first workshop, we were dealing with the definition of the project and with three steps that are necessary for establishing the framework of each LIFE project and assist in the planning of project activities. We identified and described an environmental problem along with the objectives and expected results of the project and identified stakeholders and target groups. Each section consisted of a theoretical part, presentation of the experience of foreign applicants and practical work. In the latter, the participants themselves tested the presented methods.

All materials, presentations and photographs from the workshop are available on the web page Life Slovenija. Shortly the videos of the workshop will be added. The next workshop is scheduled for May 9, 2017, in Ljubljana. Due to the great interest, we are planning to increase the number of available places in future workshops, so the exact location is not known yet. In order to be informed in time, you are invited to follow the updates on our web page and subscribe to LIFE News.

On Friday, March 10, 2017, the first workshop for companies was performed in Murska Sobota. At the workshop, which was organized in cooperation with the Development Center Murska Sobota, we briefly presented the LIFE programme and the opportunities that it provides for companies. Participants received an insight into what projects are supported by LIFE programme through examples of current LIFE projects and received information on the process of the LIFE Call and the preparation of the application. The event was attended by 13 representatives of local companies.

A workshop with the same programme will be held in five locations around Slovenia, the following one on Friday, March 17, in Kranj.