Author: LIFE Slovenija


LIFE Lynx project’s primary objective is rescuing the Dinaric-SE Alpine lynx population from extinction and to preserve it in the long term. In this moment, the population is small, isolated, and extremely inbred. It urgently needs reinforcement by introducing additional, healthy animals from another population. We will reinforce the Dinaric-SE Alpine population with lynx from…


Easily accessible food attracts bears in the vicinity of settlements, especially household waste in garbage and compost. Therefore, the LIFE DINALP BEAR project team started introducing bear-proof compost bins and bear-proof garbage containers. Residues of food are inaccessible in this way by the bear, thus reducing the number of times bear is frequenting the settlements.


This year, the European Commission approved the project LIFE Lynx, which will prevent the extinction of the largest European wild cat in the Dinaric and South-eastern Alpine regions. In the framework of the project, at least 14 lynxes from Slovakia and Romania will be relocated to Slovenia and Croatia, thus linking the Dinaric and Alpine…

Jun 9

May and June reserved for LIFE events

We started May with the second LIFE writer’s workshop, continued with a detailed workshop and concluded with a two-day international LIFE networking conference. If you missed our events, you can find all materials our website.

May 25

Networking conference 2017

LIFE conference 2018 LIFE International Conference for networking was successfully completed, for which we have to thank all of you, who contributed to the realization of the programme: - Irena Majcen, the minister of the environment and spatial planning, for the introductory words; - Jean-Claude Merciol, mag. Tanja Bolte, dr. Peter Skoberne, Stefania Betti, Frederico Benvenuti,…
May 18

Ormož Basins declared as nature reserve

V začetku maja je Vlada Republike Slovenije sprejela Uredbo o Naravnem rezervatu Ormoške lagune, s čimer je območje postalo državni naravni rezervat. S tem je projektna ekipa dosegla še en pomemben cilj LIFE projekta LIVEDRAVA.