Last week, in the framework of the largest European environmental event, Green Week, awards were given to the best LIFE projects, completed in 2016 and 2017. Among the awarded projects was also Slovenian LIFE project SI Natura 2000 Management.

Every year the European Commission awards the best LIFE projects completed in the past year. Since last year was marked by the 25th anniversary of the LIFE programme, this year the awards were awarded to the best LIFE projects completed in 2016 and 2017. The selection of the best projects is based on the final report of the projects, the visits of monitors and all available project deliverables such as the website and press release. First, they prepare a shortlist of finalists, which are then assessed by the national contact points. The best-rated projects (3-5 for each area) receive the “Best of the Best” prize, while the rest are awarded the title “Best” LIFE project. For the years 2016 and 2017, 62 finalists were selected, nine of which received the Best of the Best award. Among the finalists was the Slovenian LIFE project SI Natura 2000 Management, which received the Best LIFE Nature project award for 2016.

Representative of SI Natura 2000 management with Mr Angelo Salsi © European Union / Patrick Mascart

SI Natura 2000 Management – Natura 2000 Management programme for Slovenia for the period 2014-2020

The main objective of the project was to prepare the 2014-2020 Natura 2000 Management Programme for Slovenia. In the project expert groundwork had been prepared and discussed with all relevant stakeholders. The programme contains compulsory grounds for the management of Natura 2000 sites for the financial period 2015-2020 and the basis for the preparation of the priority action framework, which forms the basis for the financing of Natura 2000 sites under Article 8 of the Habitats Directive.

The project was led by the Ministry of the Environment and Spatial Planning (MESP) in cooperation with five project partners: Institute of the Republic of Slovenia for Nature Conservation, Fisheries Research Institute of Slovenia, Institute for Water of the Republic of Slovenia, Chamber of Agriculture and Forestry of Slovenia, Slovenia Forest Service. The project took place from 20 August 2012 to 30 June 2015, with a total budget of EUR 1,706,914.00. The European Commission contributed EUR 853,457.00.

The list of past Slovenian awarded LIFE projects:

  • SloWolf
    – Best LIFE Nature project for the first 25 years of LIFE programme
    – Best LIFE Nature project for 2014
  • WETMAN – Best LIFE Nature project for 2015
  • AQUAVIVA – Best LIFE Information project for 2015
  • ReBirth – Best LIFE Information project for 2015
  • Slovenia WEEE campaign – Best of the Best LIFE Information project for 2014
  • LIFE Kosec – Best LIFE Nature project for 2008