V začetku maja je Vlada Republike Slovenije sprejela Uredbo o Naravnem rezervatu Ormoške lagune, s čimer je območje postalo državni naravni rezervat. S tem je projektna ekipa dosegla še en pomemben cilj LIFE projekta LIVEDRAVA.

The wider area of Ormož Basins is one of the most important stops for the migratory waterbirds in Slovenia, especially plovers and ducks, and the most important or even the only nesting site for some of the few, endangered species in the country. It is a Natura 2000 site: the Drava (under the Birds Directive) and the Drava (under the Habitats Directive).

After the closure of the Ormož Sugar Factory, the LIVEDRAVA LIFE project carried out restoration of basins, thus restoring appropriate ecological conditions for plant and animal species. In addition, the infrastructure for visiting the nature reserve was also arranged.

One of the project activities is also the declaring Ormož Basins as the state nature reserve. This goal was achieved on May 4, 2017, when the Government of the Republic of Slovenia adopted a regulation on the Ormož Basins Nature Reserve. The project team will shortly organize the official opening, so you are invited to follow the project website.

The Nature Reserve, which covers 66 hectares, is open to the public. Entrance is allowed at entry points and at a time when this is not disturbing the birds and other animals.

Source: www.natura2000.si