Project acronym: LIFE NATURAVIVA
Project reference: LIFE16 GIE/SI/000711
Year of financing: 2016
Priority area: Environmental Governance & Information
Project title (SL): Biodiverziteta - umetnost življenja
Coordinating beneficiary: Nacionalni inštitut za biologijo
Start date: 04/09/2017
End date: 31/08/2022
Layman's report: LIFE16_GIE_SI_000711.pdf

Biodiversity counts! It is a fantastic variety of life, one of the most valuable and most noble features of our planet. It is a key element of ecosystem services, on which we all depend of. Slovenia possesses one of the highest biodiversity in Europe, which is not sufficiently recognized and therefore not appreciated enough. To spread the word about the natural values of Slovenia to »the ninth village and beyond« as it is said in the Slovenian proverb, a consortium of ten partners with the leading organisation, National Institute of Biology, prepared a 5-year communication LIFE project with a meaningful title LIFE NATURAVIVA.

The overall goal of the project is to reveal the exceptional natural values of Slovenia and its significance and to highlight the threats that biodiversity here faces. What are the consequences of losing a species? What are the benefits of rich biodiversity?

Most activities of the NATURAVIVA project will take place in protected areas, therefore there are five Slovenian natural parks included as project partners. However, since “nature is everywhere,” we will distribute activites to take place also outside parks. We will connect messages on the value of biodiversity with cultural heritage and art, join events and concerts, and address an audience that does not usually expect it.

We will educate and raise awareness of the need to conserve biodiversity tageting different audience groups, from kindergartens to students, from farmers to politicians. You will see our project at fairs, exhibitions, environmental days. We will prepare a luxurious book on the biodiversity of Slovenia, record a film, prepare numerous exhibitions, posters and ads, and more and more.

Last but not least, the project with its actions will serve as an example for the tourist organizations on how rich biotic diversity and natural features of Slovenia could be included in sustainable tourism in a way that will not endanger nature.

Photo: Davorin Tome

Applicant: National Institute of Biology (NIB)
Partners: Chamber of Agriculture and Forestry of Slovenia, Grm Novo mesto – Center of Biotechnics and Tourism, Goričko Nature Park, Ljubljana Marsh Nature Park, Kozjansko Regional Park, Lutra, Institute for Conservation of Natural Heritage, Notranjska Regional Park, Triglav National Park, University of Ljubljana
Co-financer: European Commission (LIFE)Ministry of the Environment and Spatial Planning (MESP)

Total budget: 2,482,242 €
EU contribution: 1,473,385 €
MESP contribution: 244,516 €