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Basic data

Organization / Name and surname

Inštitut za drevo / dr. Dušan Jurc



Keywords (in English)
  • biotska raznovrstnost
  • blažitev podnebnih sprememb
  • CO2
  • degradacija tal
  • delavnice
  • ekosistemske storitve
  • emisije
  • gozd
  • habitatni tipi
  • hidromorfološki pritiski
  • informiranje
  • invazivne tujerodne vrste
  • izobraževanje
  • kemikalije
  • monitoring gozdov
  • zelena infrastruktura
  • žuželke
Type of cooperation

Associated beneficiary, Coordinating beneficiary, Subcontractor, Expert

Area of interest

Nature and Biodiversity, Environmental Governance and Information, Climate Change Mitigation

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Inštitut za drevo / dr. Dušan Jurc

Profile picture of Inštitut za drevo / dr. Dušan Jurc


active 5 years, 1 month ago