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Basic data

Organization / Name and surname

Lutra, Inštitut za ohranjanje naravne dediščine



Keywords (in English)
  • biotska raznovrstnost
  • bober
  • ekosistemi celinskih voda
  • ekosistemske storitve
  • informiranje
  • invazivne tujerodne vrste
  • komuniciranje
  • Natura 2000
  • sesalci
  • vidra
  • vodotoki
Type of cooperation

Associated beneficiary, Coordinating beneficiary, Subcontractor

Area of interest

Nature and Biodiversity, Environmental Governance and Information, Integrated Projects

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Project references

LIFE10 INF/SI/000135, LIFE04 NAT/SI/000234, LIFE16 GIE/SI/000711


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Lutra, Inštitut za ohranjanje naravne dediščine

Profile picture of Lutra, Inštitut za ohranjanje naravne dediščine


active 4 years ago