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Basic data

Organization / Name and surname




Keywords (in English)
  • biomass
  • capacity building
  • grasslands
  • habitat restoration
  • Natura 2000
  • nutrients
Type of cooperation

Associated beneficiary

Area of interest

Nature and Biodiversity

Are you interested in international projects?


Have you already participated in LIFE project?


Project references

LIFE+ 2012 (LIFE12NAT/BE/000438): Grote Netewoud: Wilde natuur op mensenmaat, LIFE+ 2012 (LIFE12NAT/BE/000252): Graslandherstel in de Oostkustpolders, LIFE+ 2013 (LIFE13NAT/BE/000074) : HELVEX – Cross border heath restoration, inland dunes and pools, integrated management, LIFE+ 2013 (LIFE13 NAT/BE/001067: PAYS MOSAN): Connectivity of the Natura 2000 network across the Belgian-Dutch borders in the Meuse basin, LIFE14 IPE/BE/000002 BNIP – Belgian Nature Integrated Project, LIFE+2015(LIFE15 NAT/BE/000760): DELTA – Action Plan for the Improvement of Habitats of Threatened European Species in the Demer Valley through broad cooperation, LIFE+2016 (LIFE16 PRE DE 005): European Land Conservation Network

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active 6 years ago