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Basic data

Organization / Name and surname

BIC, Center poslovne inteligence



Keywords (in English)
  • akcijski načrt
  • aktivacija ljudi
  • blažitev podnebnih sprememb
  • CO2
  • delavnice
  • etična potrošnja
  • informiranje
  • inovacije
  • izobraževanje
  • komuniciranje
  • organizacija dogodkov
  • organizacija konferenc
  • podnebne spremembe
  • zeleno gospodarstvo
  • zero waste občine
  • zerowaste
Type of cooperation

Associated beneficiary, Subcontractor, Expert

Area of interest

Nature and Biodiversity, Environment and Resource Efficiency, Environmental Governance and Information, Climate Change Mitigation, Climate Change Adaptation, Climate Governance and Information, Integrated Projects

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BIC, Center poslovne inteligence

Profile picture of BIC, Center poslovne inteligence


active 2 years, 9 months ago