Project acronym: LIFE STRŽEN
Project reference: LIFE16 NAT/SI/000708
Year of financing: 2016
Priority area: Nature & Biodiversity
Project title (SL): Izboljšanje stanja območij Natura 2000 na presihajočem Cerkniškem jezeru z renaturacijo struge Stržena
Coordinating beneficiary: Notranjski regijski park
Start date: 01/09/2017
End date: 31/12/2023

Project objectives are:

  • Improved conservation status of priority habitat type Turloughs (HT 3180*) by the restoration of the former Stržen riverbed;
  • Established ‘quiet zone’ in the Bittern (Botaurus stellaris) breeding habitat;
  • Reduced negative impact of visitors through redirection of visitors and awareness raising;
  • Long-term recognisability and support of the project among the general public and key stakeholders.

In the desire to dry-out the area of intermittent lake Cerkniško jezero 14 km of riverbeds were regulated in the beginning of the 20th century. The largest regulations were carried out on the river Stržen. The toughest task of LIFE STRŽEN project is restoration of Stržen former riverbed which will have positive effect on intermittent lake’s water-dynamics, plant and animal communities. The watercourse length will be increased for 1.5 km and Bittern habitat will be enlarged. Established ‘quiet zone’ will further increase the chances of Bittern’s successful nesting.

‘Green infrastructure’ installation, active communication and awareness raising actions will decrease the negative impact the growing number of visitors has on the lake area and breeding bird species.

Project’s goal is conservation of intermittent lake Cerkniško jezero while encouraging sustainable tourism at the same time. With this in mind the tourist workers will be acquainted with ‘nature-friendly’ ways of guiding and several courses and seminars as well as many other events will be organized.

Applicant: Notranjska Regional Park
Institute of the Republic of Slovenia for Nature Conservation, HIDROTEHNIK Vodnogospodarsko podjetje d.d., Fisheries Research Institute of SloveniaDOPPS – BirdLife Slovenia
Co-financers: European Commission (LIFE), Ministry of the Environment and Spatial Planning (MESP)

Total budget: 3,863,248 €
EU contribution: 2,863,212 €
MESP contribution: 745,000 €